Your ATTN Please || Thursday, 30 May

The sports worlds’ got a new MVP.

WNBA player Caitlin Clark has brand deals coming left, right, and centre.

Today, you’ll find out what makes a brand partnership made in heaven (it comes down to 3 things).

In today's newsletter:

  • Caitlin Clark's got brands starstruck (here’s why she’s got deals with Gatorade, Adidas, Nike, Under Armour, and more)

  • The key to M&M's staying power--80 years on (find out the 1 marketing strategy they use to stay relevant)

  • Trend plug - The Fully Conscious Baby (this trend’s super easy!)

  • I’m overthinking my content—help! (there’s only 1 remedy…)

- Charlotte, Editor ♡

Caitlin Clark’s Got Brands Starstruck

22-year-old WNBA player Caitlin Clark's signed brand deals with Wilson, Nike, Gatorade, Adidas and Under Amour. Her marketability comes down to her talent and likeable personality, on and off the court.

The WNBA has a new it-girl. And I’m fkn here for it.

For every Kareem, Kobe and Jordan in men’s basketball, there are only a handful of women who make headlines the way their male counterparts do.

I mean, when was the last time you saw someone dunk their rubbish in the bin and yell ‘TAURASI!’?

My guess would be never. And it's the same story across most sport categories.

That’s why I get so excited when I see a young, talented female getting noticed.

Caitlin Clark is one of those. And she’s just signed a deal with Wilson, the first player to do so since Michael Jordan.

If you haven’t heard of Caitlin Clark, you’re about to.

And not just from me. The 22-year-old point guard is regarded as one of the greatest collegiate players of all time.


Which means Clark’s signing some of the biggest deals in basketball right now.

-Sophie, Copywriter

The Key To M&M’s Staying Power—80 Years On

M&M's have been one of the most well-known candies since 1941. This is because the brand has stayed relevant by engaging with culture all along the way.

One thing I will never get over?

One of the largest travesties in advertising history: When M&M's made Green and Brown unsexy. HOW COULD THEY take away Miss Green’s little go-go boots like that?

UGH I’m still mad.

But, I can give credit where credit is due. Despite some of their questionable decisions, the M&M brand is goated when it comes to marketing.

The clever personification of their products and their strategic sponsorships have made M&M's one of the most visible brands in the world.

I still remember their commercials on TV from when I was a kid. They clearly had a lasting impact, as their candies are still one of my favourite guilty pleasure treats as an adult.

M&M's consistent long-term presence, remaining relevant and impactful to such large audiences, is a testament to their ability to innovate and keep up with current times.

So, let’s take a look at the brand evolution that’s kept them relevant all these years…

-Sophie, Copywriter

Trend Plug - The Fully Conscious Baby

The 'Fully Conscious Baby' or 'The Four Seasons Orlando Baby' trend features a baby eagerly responding 'ME!' to the question, 'Who wants to go to the Four Seasons Orlando?'

The trend originated from a viral TikTok video by @sobrizzle, where her adorable baby’s enthusiastic response to her question captured 54.5 million views.

How to get in on the trend

Use this CapCut template to create your own version! Just think about a question you'd eagerly answer with 'me!!' Add text overlay describing what that question is--the more relatable, the better.

A few ideas to get you started...

  • Work-related: Use the overlay text, 'Who wants to handle the easy client?'

  • Social plans: Use the overlay text, 'Who wants to leave work early for drinks?'

  • Guilty pleasures: Use the overlay text, 'Who wants to binge watch Netflix all weekend?'

-Abdel, Social Media Coordinator

Tune in to the YAP Podcast


Listen to the YAP podcast Tuesday - Saturday, where we break down everything that’s happening in marketing right now so you’re always in the know.

Watch the full podcast here and subscribe to our YouTube Channel so you never miss an episode.

Ask the Editor

Q - I want to start creating more content for my fitness brand but I feel stuck. I guess I'm afraid of getting it wrong. How do I get over the hurdle? -Geoff

Hey Geoff!

Ah yes, analysis paralysis. You're definitely not the only person who struggles to start putting content out there. But the longer you wait, the more you're going to overthink it.

I'm not saying you should start posting willy nilly with no plan whatsoever. But at some point, you have to try stuff to see what works. So if you haven't already, set some time aside to create a simple strategy to start off with.

Then you just need to dive in and start posting. The more content you put out, the faster you'll get feedback from your audience. That feedback will help you iterate on your strategy and improve it over time.

You'll probably never feel 100% ready to start. And that's exactly why it doesn't make sense to keep waiting!

- Charlotte, Editor ♡


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