Pizza Hut pays fans to create trend content on TikTok

A new Pizza Hut UAE campaign, 'Pay With Your Trend,' gives fans the opportunity to get discounts and free meals for creating TikToks and using the hashtag #YourTermsYourConditions. The more engagement the posts get, the better reward the creator receives.

Everyone secretly wants to be an influencer (or maybe that's just me? idk).

Well, Pizza Hut UAE has decided to capitilise on that aspiration and use TikTok views as a new form of currency.

By creating UGC content, Pizza Hut enthusiasts can win free meals and discounts. And Pizza Hut has made it super easy for their fans to get rewarded.

All they have to do is follow these rules:

  1. The participants create a TikTok incorporating a current trends or challenge.

  2. Once they create the content, they must post it on TikTok with the hashtag #YourTermsYourConditions.

  3. The video must include the My Box pizza (which is a customisable pizza box).

  4. Once they've uploaded their content, fans will receive a DM with a one-time promo code for their efforts.

The more engaging and trend-conscious the content, the higher the reward. So, essentially, the more views a video gets, the more likely the creator will get a free pizza. Seems simple enough.

Part of the brilliance of this campaign is the fact that Pizza Hut specifically asks creators to create trend content.

Imagine a video of someone eating a pizza and talking about how they are demure and mindful they are while doing it. You're probably much more likely to watch that than an ad featuring that same pizza box on your FYP.

The brand is obviously operating under the assumption that their hashtag will create curiosity. The more it pops up on TikTok feeds, the more people will join in, further promoting Pizza Hut.

And they've definitely chosen the right platform for this type of campaign. On TikTok, you don't need to have a million followers to go viral; you just need one video. And if that video happens to include Pizza Hut, well that's a huge win for the brand.

Instead of hiring influencers and paying them to promote their brand, this campaign means anyone can become a micro-influencer.

Just like a brand deal, the users post a video and get rewarded. But instead of giving away money, Pizza Hut is giving them a free or discounted meal (which likely costs the brand next to nothing).

But this campaign is about more than just giving discounts to people who like Pizza Hut. By incorporating their fans into their creative process, the brand is building a sense of community amongst their customers. Not to mention, winning something taps into our reward system as human beings. If we get a reward (free pizza), we are likely to want to win again!

Here's the kicker—creators need to have a pizza box in the video to be a part of the trend. Thereby, each user is buying a box so they can engage in the campaign! So if their video flops, at least Pizza Hut isn't losing out on anything.

Not a bad deal, if you ask me.

-Kaavya, Intern


or to participate.