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- Ozzy Osbourne warns us not to snort Liquid Death
Ozzy Osbourne warns us not to snort Liquid Death

Liquid Death's latest ad features Ozzy Osbourne warning teens not to snort, inject, or "boof" their new Death Dust electrolyte mix. This campaign show how brands can lean into a bold brand identity to connect with their audience.
'And don’t even think about boofing it!'
Not a phrase I thought I’d ever hear from a water commercial.
However, as we’ve learned, Liquid Death is no normal water company.
And Ozzy Osbourne is no normal celebrity.
That’s why the two are a match made in advertising heaven in the brand’s latest 40-second commercial. In the ad, Ozzy warns a pair of teens not to snort their new product.
The ad's so on brand for both brands. And I’m obsessed.
If you’re Gen-Z and didn’t grow up listening to Black Sabbath, hearing the bat rumour, or binge-watching The Osbournes on MTV (the earlier, better version of KUWTK) – you probably won’t know the difference between this man and one of the old bikers at your grandad's retirement village.
But let me say this. John Michael 'Ozzy' Osbourne is a rock legend, also dubbed 'The Prince of Darkness.' I can’t even compare him to anyone today because there’s no one like this crazy freak of nature. When I say 'the bat rumour,' I mean the one where he bit the head off a live bat on stage. And it was no rumour.
Ozzy's best known for cussing like a sailor, long dark hair, themes of the occult, slurred mumbling stutter, tea-shade glasses and his thick Birmingham accent.
All of which makes him the most compatible celebrity for Liquid Death's new campaign.
Death Dust electrolyte mix is Liquid Death’s electrolyte powder that you add to water for extra hydration. The ad comes as the brand releases its newest batch of powder, which has 'dialed up the flavour intensity in a big way.'
The commercial features two kids pouring Death Dust into their drink bottles, in what seems like a dodgy back alley. Ozzy pulls up in a black 4X4 and starts yelling out the window.
'Hey, kids! Take it from me, don’t snort that stuff!'
Coming from a man who is no stranger to nose candy, it’s a valid warning.
The pair explain they weren’t planning on snorting it. They’re mixing it with water. 'It’s got electrolytes, which your body needs,' they say, shaking the baggy, 'It’s delicious.'
Just in case, Ozzy goes on to warn,
'Whatever you do, don’t try freebasing it, and never ever inject it! AND DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT BOOFING IT, you little perverts!'
'Boofing?' they respond.
'You know, when you stick it up your-'
And cut. Brilliant.
But this ad isn’t just some absurd drug reference that came out of nowhere.
According to Billboard, Liquid Death commissioned Ozzy after receiving floods of Instagram comments about snorting Death Dust.
Yes, that is what the world has come to.
So, when Ozzy released a statement saying, 'Sharon, the family, and I drink Liquid Death all the time, it’s delicious. But seriously, don’t snort or inject anything they make. It’s much better for drinking,' he meant it.
Death Dust is packed with enough electrolytes to 'bring you back from the dead,' per the product description. It contains 35 calories, five essential vitamins, 300 mg of sodium, 200 mg of potassium and eight sugars.
Basically, the thing packs a punch without needing to ingest it in an illicit way.
Liquid Death has been on a marketing rampage this year.
Their distinctive dark and satirical identity is as charming as it is effective. Because they're now a billion dollar beverage brand, according to Forbes.
So what can we, as marketers, learn from this clever campaign?
Lean into your brand’s unique identity. Embrace a distinct, bold brand identity that resonates with your target audience and makes you more memorable.
Use clever endorsements. Partner with celebrities who embody your brand's image and message. Ozzy's iconic rock persona (and history with substances) humorously highlight Liquid Death's product.
Actively monitor and respond to your audience. The concept for this ad came from comments Liquid Death was receiving about snorting their powder. The brand's choice to respond in a light way, while still addressing the issue, shows they listen to their audience.
Remember kids. Stay in school. Don’t do drugs. Etc etc.
-Sophie, Writer