Mountain Dew wants you to move to the mountains

Mountain Dew's latest campaign centres around a contest on TikTok and encourages fans to create a video about why they want to move to the Mountain Time Zone. Five winners will win $10,000 toward a move to the area plus a year's supply of free Mountain Dew.

We're all moving to the mountains!

Specifically, The Mountain Time Zone (the western part of North America).

And Mountain Dew is paying us to do it.

All we have to do is make a TikTok video explaining why we want to move and how we're planning to enjoy the outdoors. (I already know my answer--swimming under the stars, fungi-hunting, and spiritually connecting with wild animals—duh).

Anyone who does this can get up to $10,000 in moving costs covered and get free Mountain Dew for a year.

BTW, I'm planning on maxing out these moving-related payments. I'm coming all the way from NZ, ya know?

Yay. I'm going to be 6% happier than the average American (apparently).

Uhh, so what's going on, you wonder? Well, I'm just engaging with Mountain Dew's latest marketing campaign, you see! For a while, their focus has been on promoting the great outdoors. And this time, they're zeroing in on a specific area:

The Mountain Time Zone.

I didn't actually know what this was at first. I thought the brand had created their own time zone (I want credit if they end up doing this).

But after some Googling, I found out it includes part or the whole of the following US states: Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and Texas.

And these areas are known for rugged, wild landscapes filled with diverse ecology and animals.

Until December 31st, travellers entering this Mountain Time Zone area will receive a free Mountain Dew drink.

But only if they've pre-registered their details on a purpose-built website, that is.

This campaign is a great way for Mountain Dew to push their brand as well as gather data about people who love the drink and the great outdoors.

For five lucky people, the Mountain Time Zone could also become their new home! Because Mountain Dew is also pushing a TikTok contest where users (AKA me) make videos explaining why they want to move to the mountains! Winners will get $10,000 toward their moving costs.

All you've got to do is include the hashtags #MountainDewHauls and #contest in your caption.

But how many people are jumping at the chance to move to the middle of nowhere?

From what I can see at the moment, not many.

I can find TikToks reviewing Mountain Dew gaming packs and frozen Mountain Dew honey (looks disgusting). But I can't seem to find a single video of someone explaining why they want to move to the mountains.

In fact, their whole hashtag community seems very much chronically online.

But there's the fact this campaign was released at the end of August. So people might be taking their time to get to it! Which I completely understand. For all my going on about making a video, I haven't even started to make it.

But what can we learn from their strategy?

Despite there not being enough response to the campaign to give it a full-on yay or nay, this marketing strategy shows us how rapidly the advertising landscape is changing.

Mountain Dew are making use of a website, a video of a fake hippy man, a real-life giveaway via TikTok, AND free apparel to sell their brand.

Not to mention their clear focus on spending time outdoors, making 'Do The Dew' their tagline.

It shows us marketers that we need to plan our campaigns to be cohesive across multiple channels, and to make use of all the platforms available.

Now it's time for me to make the most of the TikTok platform and plan my move to the mountains. I'm thinking snow... mulled wine... a cosy fire... marshmallows toasting on the flames... wolves howling in the distance... a bubbling bottle of fizzy drink (?).

Wish me luck!

-Maggie, Copywriter


or to participate.