How brands can tap into the power of livestreaming

Livestreaming fosters deep connections between creators and their communities, offering real-time interaction that traditional video content can't match. Brands can use livestreaming to build engaged communities and create authentic relationships with their audience.

Watching someone talk absolute sh*t in their bedroom for hours on end is crazy.

But apparently, it's a booming industry.

Live video content is no longer a novelty. In the entertainment industry, the popularity of livestreaming has skyrocketed over the last few years.

In the last quarter of 2023, almost 30% of internet users worldwide reported watching livestream content weekly.

This content style is on fire, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down. According to eMarketer, 176 million Americans are projected to tune in to watch their fave content creators go live by 2025. (Kai Cenat, I’m looking at you.)

We brand marketers battle tooth and nail daily for consumers' time and attention. Meanwhile, many of them are giving quite a bit of that precious time and attention to livestreamed content.

In short, it looks like it’s time for brands to tap into livestreaming.

Think about it this way. The kind of connection fostered between streamers and their audience is one that simply cannot be achieved with regular, one-sided video content.

Sure, non-live video content offers plenty of entertainment. But there’s a barrier. A 'fourth wall' of sorts, separating viewers and creators in time, space, and authenticity.

Live creators shatter this wall by interacting directly and daily with their communities.

The report 'Beyond Influence' found that 67% of livestreaming viewers are more likely to agree that their favourite streamer knows how to connect with them better than most people they know.

Meaning, these creators are fostering connections for their audiences deeper than they’re experiencing in real life. That’s insane. And probably why 73% of Twitch viewers make it a goal to catch every livestream from their faves. Nearly 70% say they would be devastated if they stopped creating. Devastated!

The power of livestreaming comes with the interactivity it provides.

It allows viewers into the action, and the world, of the streamer. Interactive features like live chat, custom emotes, polls and voting mean viewers aren’t just regular consumers. They’re active participants.

They’re not just merely tuning in. They’re joining a community of people who think and feel the same as they do. And they're sharing an experience with them, while co-creating the moment.

It’s the kind of interaction you just can’t find anywhere else.

This is why livestreaming is a game-changer for marketers who want to build highly engaged communities and drive long-lasting attention.

Livestreaming smashes the time barrier.

While non-live videos are easy enough to consume, the conversation is one-sided, because they live in the past. But when you stream, the content unfolds in real time. You’re giving viewers a chance to become a part of the madness, and the creative process itself.

They don’t have to wait around for you to film, edit, and release new content. They’re in there creating it with you. It’s an invaluable experience you can’t find anywhere else online.

Livestreaming viewers are 1.73X more likely to say they watch specifically for the community aspect. People want to experience something together, as it’s happening.

So, what’s a brand to do?

Stop chasing individual viewers. Build communities, not just audiences. Livestreaming lets you capture the attention and interest of communities. It's the perfect way to create engaged followings that are loyal to your brand, and at scale, too.

Share the moment. Livestreaming pushes past consumer feedback, because it enables consumer participation and even co-creation. This is how you build long-term partnerships. So create live content that brings your audience into your world.

Humanise your brand. Transform your brand presence from a one-sided, static entity to a community rallying point. 72% of Twitch viewers believe the products promoted by their favourite content creators are ones they truly believe in. And 69% of livestreaming viewers agree that their favourite livestreaming creators are credible. Why wouldn't you want to get in on that?

The numbers don’t lie.

The next phase of video content is here. You can wait until everyone, and their grandmother has jumped on it. Or you can get in while it’s hot and be one of the few brands taking advantage of this powerful tool.

-Sophie, Writer


or to participate.