Google's new Gemini ad makes us feel yuck

Google’s new ad for their AI software bombed, making viewers cringe at the thought of tech stealing the warmth of human expression. Before launching a new campaign, marketers should consider current public sentiment on the topic to avoid a total flop.

I'm a bit scared of AI.

And it's not just because I saw The Beast at the weekend (an AI sci-fi/horror/romance). It's because of Google!

Well, because of the commercial they released for their AI software, Gemini.

Lemme outline it for you real quick (or, watch it here).

A dad is speaking about his young daughter and her talent and passion for hurdling. Behind the voiceover are lo-fi flash images--phone camera home videos. It's all very sweet.

We find out she loves Olympic level hurdler Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone. Awww.

Next, this loving father is helping his daughter improve and asking Gemini for tips on technique. Seems like a good use of the AI software.

Then, this supportive dad asks Gemini to help his daughter write Sydney a letter. A letter expressing how much she admires this sports star—a letter from the heart, some might say.

But it's not from the heart. It's from AI.

And that's where they lose us. Because, let's be honest, the scariest thing about AI is how it might strip away our humanity.

To me, the joy of receiving a letter from a child comes from the imperfections. The endearingly misspelt words ('welkom bak' reads one of my prized examples). The sweet illustrations along the margins and the simple, often profound turns of phrase. Kids, to me, are the only poets left.

And I'm not the only one who feels this way, either.

The commercial has proved so controversial that Google pulled it from the NBC’s Olympics broadcasts. 

All over the internet, people are speaking out about how tone-deaf it is.

In the Washington Post, Alexandra Petri summed things up beautifully, saying the ad makes her 'want to throw a sledgehammer into the television every time I see it.'

Nice one, Google.

So what can we learn from this marketing faux pas?

Basically, it comes down to reading the room. Come on!!

Yes, we love how AI helps us with the boring aspects of our jobs. But, generally, the discourse is we're all a little scared of it too.


Because it might take over the important, special parts of being a human. Like making meaningful art, replacing human connection, or, let's just say, writing a letter to someone special to you. Personally, if someone wrote me a heartfelt letter using artificial intelligence, I would feel sick.

So, before you launch your marketing campaign into the world (or before you waste money making it) think deeply about how it fits into the current climate.

There are so many ways to do this, too.

Get a round table happening, do a market survey, talk to your mum or dad…Do a Google, even (ironic, I know). But surely these marketers could've asked, 'What scares people most about AI?' and this whole scenario could've been avoided.

But I get it, too.

Sometimes we can get so excited about a concept we can forget to extend our perspective. I don't know exactly how it works at Google HQ but I can SO see someone so gassed up on this idea they won't take any criticism. It can happen to the best of us.

So, remember to step away from your creative idea and take a beat before running with it. Sometimes all it takes is putting it in front of another human and being open to their feedback.

-Maggie, Copywriter


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