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From Kiwi dad to 2 million followers--Louis Davis' success story

Kiwi creator Louis Davis went from making content for a university course to becoming one of NZ's top creators. As a Māori dad and husband, he creates authentic, family-oriented content that resonates across NZ and beyond.

Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Usually because that field isn’t hiring.

However, that’s not the case for creator Louis Davis, who has a passion for two things:

  1. Being a dad

  2. Making videos.

And they’re the two things he does best, every day of his life. Our founder, Stanley, sat down with Louis to hear how these passions became a six-figure business.

From a university assignment that fuelled his creative fire to TikTok fame, Louis is a one-of-a-kind creator. His heart-warming content circles around whānau (family) and fatherhood as a Māori man, smashing stereotypes along the way.

So how did Louis Davis turn his 2 passions into a 6-figure business?

Growing up in a small town in the far north of NZ, it wasn’t until Louis went to university that he realised he was absolutely in love with making videos. He remembers one of his lecturers, an 'old Scottish fella' (as Louis says), who ignited his passion.

'[He] gave everyone an A+ on a 20% assignment. The whole 200 people got an A+. He said, "I've given you the grade. You have three weeks. You have no pressure. I want you to go out there [and create] something that you love and convince someone else to pay for it."'

Louis and his friend decided to start making videos about being two guys at university, just documenting their everyday experiences.

Seems like such a simple idea, right? But, this was at a time when social media wasn’t the powerhouse of a marketing tool it is today.

And their videos blew up. 

Eventually, Louis began creating content for the bars around the university. This early success marked the beginning of his journey with branded content. And because of these brand deals, he was able to pay his way through uni.

That’s when he realized the massive opportunity he had unearthed. 

He could use his talent for creating quality, authentic content to create an online community around himself.

Using his storytelling skills, Louis continued to make videos about his daily life. And, over the past several years, he's grown his following to over 2 million followers. He says his passion is his superpower, 'I don’t ever get sick of it or burn out.'

So what makes Louis stand out among other Kiwi creators?

Louis takes his responsibility as a Māori creator (and father) very seriously. He recalls his first major brand deal with a government campaign for voting, in which there are obligations for honouring and serving Māori communities.

'I’m a Māori creator that’s good at making videos, and I’m family friendly. I never use the joke of being hori or dumb, I don’t use all those stereotypes that a lot of Māori creators use to be funny or get clicks.'

And that stood out, because Louis provided a different story to the one we were used to hearing from Māori creators. One that turned out to be great for similar campaigns. And so, the opportunities flowed as his point of difference resonated with Kiwis nationwide.

Eventually, Louis realised his content creation could potentially become a full-time gig.

However, he realised, although he had a knack for creating great viral videos, he was lacking connection with his audience.

'They weren’t in my home, they didn’t care deeply about my family or my highs, my lows, my successes.'

So, he pivoted.

'We started just telling stories, which was easy because I’m so into my kids.'

What they ate, when they weren’t sleeping, what they did together, their rhythms and routines became the core of his content. After all, his ‘why’ was staying at home with his kids.

Letting people into his everyday life allowed his audience to care deeply about helping him achieve that. Because they understood that every brand deal was a way of enabling him to do what he loves most--being a dad. This strategy created an authentic brand, which remains successful today.

You can see this authenticity shine through his beautiful content, which ranges from dancing with his little ones, to catching kai moana (seafood), and all the hilarious bits of family life in between.

Louis' story highlights the importance of prioritising high-quality content that resonates with your audience over chasing views or engagement.

It’s also an example of what happens when you stay true to yourself.

Three tips for creators looking to build a successful and authentic online presence:

  • Keep it real. Focus on producing content that reflects your true passions and experiences. Authenticity is key when it comes to building a genuine connection with your audience.

  • What makes you, you? Identify your point of difference and leverage it. Use your unique background or perspective to differentiate yourself in the crowded space of social media.

  • Connection is everything. Without it, your content is fuel without the fire. Personal stories are a way of inviting your audience into your life. They’re what create a strong emotional connection and a loyal following. 

You can listen to Louis Davis tell his story on the Stanplaining podcast here.

-Sophie, Writer


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