Etsy opposes e-comm giants with human-centred campaign

Etsy's new campaign, which was strategically timed to come out right before Amazon Prime Day, addresses growing concerns about AI. Their emotional ad highlights handmade items, positioning Etsy as a human-first platform.

So apparently there’s a thing called AI Anxiety.

Because we totally need something else to be anxious over, right?

Of course, with new technology comes concerns over what we want our future to look like.

Some people find AI fascinating and full of opportunity. Others feel fatalistic. What problems could AI cause for society? What does it mean for our jobs?

Anxiety is a natural response to fear and uncertainty.

It’s what’s helped humans survive through the ages, keeping us on high alert for danger. You know, the whole 'tiger in the bushes' thing.

But when anxiety turns to despair, it can impact our ability to process uncertainty and tackle the questions that AI poses.

Recent research by Calm shows that nearly 1 in 3 adults (29%) are feeling anxious about AI, and 18% characterized their feelings as dread. And even those optimistic (31%) still reported they felt uneasy about a future defined by AI.

Etsy has decided to tackle that fear head-on with their new campaign.

The ad cleverly plays on the trope that robots are devoid of human emotion.

'What does a robot know about love?' the opening line asks.

'Love to translate that leap inside the human heart, into something we can see, and hold,' the voiceover continues. We see a montage of artists creating their work.

The inclusion of press materials suggests a cheeky wee jab at Apple's ‘Crush’ ad.

Watching this, we can't help but feel that something machine-made pales in comparison to something created by a real, live human being.

The 45-second spot closes with a crumpled robotic arm under a shower of confetti, overlaid with the tagline 'Keep commerce human.'

'In an increasingly automated world, Etsy stands for something different,' said David Kolbusz, Chief Creative Officer at Orchard, in a statement. 'Our film isn’t anti-tech, it’s pro-human. It’s a reminder that the things that arrive on your doorstep can come from some place more meaningful than a fulfilment centre.'

The campaign began right before Amazon Prime Day, which fell on the 16th of July.

Etsy appears to be differentiating itself from e-commerce giants like Amazon and Temu, reminding us of its roots as a human platform.

The ad is a nice reminder of the importance of small businesses and creators, while acknowledging the unease we all currently feel.

In tandem with this campaign, Etsy has also made adjustments to its platform guidelines to make sure it doesn't lose its human touch.

The platform was once a place for artisans to thrive. But recently, it's been subject to backlash as searches fill up with AI-generated items that have received disappointing user reviews.

Etsy has now reorganized its creativity standards, stating that anything sold on Etsy must have a degree of human involvement. The site also includes the option for merchants to add labels giving insight into their processes, materials and tools.

This highlights the humans behind the products. New listings will feature labels like 'Made by,' 'Designed by,' 'Hand picked by,' or 'Sourced by' with individual seller names.

Of course, many people use generative AI to help with creative ideation and production. Etsy recognizes this, and doesn’t condemn the use of AI in the seller handbook. But the site now requires sellers to disclose this in their listings.

Three takeaways:

Address consumer concerns. This campaign tackles AI anxiety by championing human involvement in Etsy products. By requiring merchants to disclose the degree of AI involvement in their products, Etsy is building long-term trust with consumers.

Create an emotional connection. Playing on the perception that robots lack human emotion emphasises the unique nature of 'home-made' products. The strategy not only appeals to consumer emotions but differentiates Etsy from its giant competitors.

Timing is everything. Launching right before Amazon Prime Day is a genius little touch to this campaign. It helps reinforce Etsy's roots as a platform for small creators and businesses. And it positions the brand as an alternative to large-scale e-commerce giants, resonating with consumers who value personal connection.

I don’t want AI to take my job. But I do want AI to take over my other jobs, like housework, laundry, and navigating the treacherous dating pool that exists for my generation. If we could sort that out asap, I’d be very appreciative.

-Sophie, Writer


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