Amazon's taking over TikTok & Pinterest

Amazon has teamed up with TikTok and Pinterest to keep in-app shopping and social media scrolling in a single place. No online shop has ever been this quick to act on consumers' excitement in the moment, so other online brands need to keep up - or risk being left behind.

Amazon wants you to buy goods through them. But they also need you to stay on social media and look at all their ads.

So, as if to echo a young girl in an Old El Paso commercial, the shopping giant proudly came out and asked 'Why not both?'

As of late last week, Amazon has joined forces with TikTok and Pinterest to bring in-app shopping to your feed.

This allows you to spot ads for Amazon products and buy them right there and then - without ever leaving the app.

From an end user's perspective, this might be the most efficient shopping experience ever conceived. But if you happen to run a fashion brand, this move should set off some warning bells for your online strategy.

Is this the future of eCommerce?

By connecting your Amazon account to your TikTok or Pinterest, you can click on a 'shopping ad' and promptly get today's trendiest fashion items sent your way.

(Whatever they may be - don't ask me, I'm mentally trapped in 2006.)

Don’t worry, if you feel this feature is a bit invasive, you can unlink your Amazon account without a hitch.

But this move signals a big shift in the eCommerce world, as content, entertainment and community become increasingly in simpatico with shopping experiences. If this doesn't sound like your brand, then you need to pick up the pace, pronto.

Mass fashion, beware!

This Avengers-style tech giant team-up takes impulse buying to a whole new level. This, of course, poses a major threat to the mass fashion industry.

If you're able to go on TikTok, see the latest fashion trends, and invest in them without closing the app once, that is more immediate than clicking an ad link to visit a shop's website.

The online realms of shopping and community are becoming more intertwined by the day. So it's critical that your brand embraces this reality NOW if you want to stay ahead of the curve.

It's the early days now. But these days, consumers put seamless shopping experiences, affordable prices, and community vibes above all else.

So it would be a smart move to think about how to prepare for the tidal wave of change that's about to come. Because this isn't just about shopping and social media. It's about streamlining the whole online experience.

-Devin, Copywriter


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